Carmen Rondash
Head Start & Children's Services
A single parent of four children, Carmen reached out to ABCD for childcare and Fuel Assistance. He got more than he asked for. Carmen became an involved Head Start parent -- initially joining the parenting council at ABCD’s JFK Family Service Center in Charlestown. “I like how Head Start looks for parent involvement,“ he said. “It allowed me the opportunity to get to know the people who were watching my kids.”
Carmen has served on the Head Start Policy Council most recently as treasurer and as representative to the ABCD Board of Directors. He said that his upbringing in Rochester, New York is what motivated him to take on additional duties. “I come from a community where service is needed and expected.”
"ABCD makes balancing work and personal life easier," Carmen said. He works as the special program coordinator for students who are parents at Bunker Hill Community College – a partner of Child Care Choices of Boston, ABCD’s early education and care resource and referral program.
On being nominated as a 2024 ABCD Community Hero, Carmen said, “It’s really special to be recognized, and I am glad to be able to help out.”